Traktor Nusantara (TRAKNUS) received a company visit from the Audit & Risk Development Program (ARDP) Group Audit and Risk Advisory (GANRA) PT Astra International Tbk batch XIII on Monday, March 04, 2024. The visit was aimed at developing Internal Auditor & Risk Analyst for talents to add insight into the knowledge and skills of the company's business process coverage in the Astra environment.
The arrival of the ARDP Company Visit participants this time was welcomed by the Head of Internal Control TRAKNUS Achmad Faisol Yusuf, which was attended by 30 participants, accompanied by Sopriana Hutapea as the team leader from GANRA.
In the first session, all ARDP talents visited Yard & Warehouse Rawasumur to see firsthand the products marketed by TRAKNUS, participants were invited to tour the Toyota Production System (TPS)-1 guided by Yard Coordinator Bogi Wahyu Pancoro. On his occasion Bogi Wahyu Pancoro shared knowledge about the management system and storage of Forklift unit inventory, starting from the process of monitoring the quality of incoming goods, controlling and maintaining inventory while in the yard to inspecting the quality of goods before being delivered to customers.
The next session ARDP talents moved to Pulogadung Head Office to listen and discuss about the overview and recognize TRAKNUS business activities as a whole by taking place in the Multipurpose Room. The event was opened by Internal Control Staff Luh Devany Trishnaputri Wijaya who was asked as the master of ceremony (MC) to start the event by giving time to Sopriana Hutapea to deliver remarks, after which the participants continued to introduce themselves.
The talents solemnly listened to the TRAKNUS Company Profile presentation which reviewed the mission, vision and strategy, Company Milestone, Company Shareholder, Business Process, Organization Structure and Financial Performance. Considered quite different from the TRAKNUS business process with other Astra Group businesses, especially in Automotive, the enthusiasm of the ARDP participants this time was clearly reflected in the various questions asked during the activity. The presentation of the material went very well and smoothly operated by Internal Control Staff Bunga Radya Paradhipta.
At the end of the event, TRAKNUS President Director Harijadi Mawardi had the opportunity to meet all ARDP participants to meet and get acquainted and invite photos together before the ARDP left the event room.
Achmad Faisol Yusuf thanked for the trust in TRAKNUS for being chosen as one of the Company Visit destinations by GANRA, hopefully this visiting activity can provide benefits and be given understanding if there are shortcomings during the activity, he said when closing the event.