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12 March 2024 News

"50 Years" Blood Donation Traktor Nusantara

Being part of the 50th Traktor Nusantara (TRAKNUS) Universary series of activities as a form of commitment to humanitarian solidarity by organizing blood donor activities. As an effort to promote corporate social responsibility by playing an active role in efforts to help others and can have an optimal impact on society, the collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) East Jakarta has taken place on February 12, 2024, located in the Multipurpose Room of the TRAKNUS Head Office. 

This social awareness event which is a constant agenda starts at 09.00 to 11.00 WIB, followed by workers to the Managerial ranks. The implementation of blood donation is under the auspices of the Sustainability, Security, Environment, Health & Safety (SSEHS) Department to ensure the smooth running of the event, health and safety of all participants. All participants in the blood donation activity are required to undergo a series of health checks carried out by doctors assisted by health workers from PMI including checking physical condition and medical history, body temperature, blood pressure and hemoglobin (Hb) levels which must meet predetermined standards.

2. knews edisi w2 februari 2024 50 tahun traktor nusantara donor darah

The success of this event reflects the synergy between the company and humanitarian organizations, underlining the company's social responsibility in supporting the welfare of the community until the blood donation event this time obtained a total of 56 blood bags. Not only that, TRAKNUS launched this agenda periodically every 3 months with a total target of 500 blood bags from the Head Office and Branches to target all workers.

3. knews edisi w2 februari 2024 50 tahun traktor nusantara donor darah

As long as TRAKNUS takes part in our beloved country of Indonesia, we always uphold our commitment to social and humanitarian concerns, especially for the surrounding community. Hopefully this activity will inspire workers to be actively involved in social activities to create a positive impact in the community. By regularly donating blood, will make a major contribution in saving lives while maintaining invaluable personal health. A drop of blood can make a big difference to those who need it, the more donors, the greater the potential to save lives.

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