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31 May 2023 Event

Traktor Nusantara Conducts Elderly Posyandu Service Program

Jakarta (10/05), PT Traktor Nusantara through the SSEHS (Sustainability, Security, Environment, Health, and Safety) Department has held an Elderly Posyandu activity which is one of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs that has been running for the past two years. This activity is one of the service programs provided for the elderly which aims to improve health and quality of life in the Jatinegara Village, Cakung District, East Jakarta Adm City.

Traktor nusantara lakukan program pelayanan posyandu lansia 1 The Elderly Posyandu was implemented by inviting 100 elderly people to participate in non-communicable disease (PTM) screening. Non-communicable diseases that are included in the screening include blood sugar, cholesterol, uric acid, and blood pressure. This activity was carried out at the RW 008 Post, Jatinegara Village, Cakung District, East Jakarta Adm City on Wednesday, May 10 2023, 08.00-12.00 WIB.

The CSR program began with remarks by Mr. Pendi Setiawan as the Head of the SSEHS Department and Mr. H. Abdul Halim (Head of RW 008). In his remarks delivered by the Head of the SSEHS Department expecting cooperation between PT. Nusantara Tractor and Hope Elderly Posyandu RW. 008 can provide benefits for elderly residents and also cadres of the Lansia Harapan Posyandu. PT. Traktor Nusantara also accepts all input and criticism from residents of RW 008 to improve its services and will try to maximize the activities of this elderly Posyandu.

Traktor nusantara lakukan program pelayanan posyandu lansia 2

Thanks to PT. Traktor Nusantara was also conveyed by Mr. H. Abdul Halim as Head of RW 008 in his remarks because he has paid attention to RW 008 residents, especially the elderly who are a vulnerable group to health problems. Of course the CSR activities of PT. Traktor Nusantara really helps the health of the elderly and in his narrative, he also hopes that PT. Traktor Nusantara is increasingly successful and its employees are always prosperous.

With this CSR activity it is hoped that it can improve the quality of public health, especially the elderly who are around the company. In addition, this activity is a form of social responsibility of PT. Traktor Nusantara by contributing to community welfare (SSEHS).

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