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23 December 2022 Event

Traknus Group Shows Concern for The Earthquake in Cianjur | Traktor Nusantara

Cianjur (17/12) — PT Traktor Nusantara also assisted people affected by the earthquake in Cianjur, West Java. Providing earthquake assistance is a form of PT Traktor Nusantara's social responsibility to the community and the surrounding environment. PT Traktor Nusantara joined the AHEMCE volunteer team to focus on helping community infrastructure affected by the earthquake in Imbangan Village, Cibulakan Village, Cianjur. One of the most important means is access to clean water.

Cianjur 2

PT Traktor Nusantara assists in the form of a program to construct drilled wells and water towers to help the people in Kampung Imbangan quickly obtain clean water to meet their daily needs, such as bathing, washing, drinking, and so on. In addition to the construction of drilled wells and water towers, PT Traktor Nusantara also participated in deploying volunteers who were members of the AHEMCE Volunteer Team to help the community in Kampung Imbangan, Cibulakan Village, Cianjur.

By assisting the people affected by the earthquake in Cianjur, it is hoped that they will get access to clean water to meet their daily needs and be cared for properly until their homes are rebuilt. (SEHS)

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