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31 July 2023 Event

Eid al-Adha Qurban 1444H TRAKNUS Group 2023 - All Happy Sacrifice

Jakarta (30/06) – The atmosphere of Eid al-Adha was still strong at the TRAKNUS Head Office last Friday, 30 June 2023. The reason is that even though Eid al-Adha has just passed 1 day, the workers are still enthusiastic about their activities and enthusiastically carry out the procession of handing over the sacrificial animals at PT Traktor Nusantara.

The event was held solemnly, attended by Representatives of the Board of Directors Handi Wibowo as Equipment Business Director TRAKNUS and David Raka Budi Nurcahya as Marketing, Human Capital & Sustainability Director TRAKNUS. The agenda was nicely opened by Bachtiar Yusuf the Master Ceremony at the event.

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The event continued with remarks delivered by Sugiarto Saputro as Chair of DKM An-Nur Traktor Nusantara. After that, the presentation of the report from Brian Arnanda Razak as Chair of the Eid al-Adha Qurban committee continued with remarks from Handi Wibowo as the Representative of the board of directors related to the meaning of sacrifice and Eid al-Adha Qurban activities which are always held at Traktor Nusantara every year.

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After Handi Wibowo's remarks, Handi Wibowo, David Raka Budi Nurcahya, and Iman Nurcahyo jointly handed over the qurban symbolically to Addy Karyadi, Rachmanto, and Andi Sumirat as a form of Traktor Nusantara's gratitude to them for their dedication and hard work so far. Furthermore, Sugiarto as the Head of DKM An-Nur Traktor Nusantara read a prayer as well as closing the symbolic agenda of handing over the Eid al-Adha 1441H Qurban.

After the symbolic handover agenda, the agenda continued with the distribution of Qurbani to all eligible TRAKNUS Group employees. Where in the morning the handover and slaughter were carried out with the RPH (Slaughterhouse) located in Cipinang.

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With the completion of the distribution of the sacrificial animals, the agenda for handing over the Eid al-Adha 1441H sacrifice for Traktor Nusantara will end in 2023. Through this Eid al-Adha momentum, it is hoped that this will become a momentum that marks the collective awakening of all TRAKNUS GROUP personnel on various lines and by the Eid al-Adha 2023 title. namely "All Happy Sacrifice".

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