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14 June 2024 News

TRAKNUS 50th Anniversary: Training for 50 Posyandu Harapan Cadres

Traktor Nusantara (TRAKNUS) launched an intensive training program for 50 cadres of Posyandu Harapan RW 08 Jatinegara Village, this activity was held at the Rawasumur Training Center. This event is one part of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program for the TRAKNUS Healthy pillar which specializes in training Posyandu health services for mothers and children. This program is carefully prepared to improve the quality of health services in the community, including signifying the important role of Posyandu cadres as the spearhead in providing health services.

1. knews edisi w3 juni 2024 semarak 50 tahun traknus pelatihan untuk 50 kader posyandu harapan

TRAKNUS Healthy 2024 Coordinator Irfak Kurnia Romadhon explained, "This training is a concrete proof of TRAKNUS' seriousness in supporting efforts to improve health in the community". "We believe that this program not only provides new insights to the cadres, but also encourages the spirit of collaboration and innovation in the delivery of more efficient and quality health services," he added. 

The training materials include an introduction to the concept of integrated posyandu services, as well as transformation in the delivery of primary health services. Strategic collaboration with Posyandu Astra Avicenna Cadres is one of the key points to develop a superior program derived from concepts that have been implemented in Posyandu Astra. While the transformation itself is to expand the scope of posyandu services, which previously focused on toddlers, the elderly, and adolescents, into more comprehensive services to the entire age spectrum of society. To ensure that the material is absorbed, the cadres are also trained to practice the use of basic medical equipment and health data recording techniques. 

2. knews edisi w3 juni 2024 semarak 50 tahun traknus pelatihan untuk 50 kader posyandu harapan

Head of Posyandu cadre Astuti, who participated in the training, said, "This training is really useful for us. With the knowledge we gained, we feel more confident in providing health services to the community."   

The milestone of TRAKNUS' 50th anniversary celebration this year is to make it more lively, in the span of May to July 2024, the Posyandu managed by TRAKNUS will implement a series of structured and comprehensive activities. 

3. knews edisi w3 juni 2024 semarak 50 tahun traknus pelatihan untuk 50 kader posyandu harapan

As a concrete manifestation of the sustainability program, TRAKNUS then organized a free health check for the elderly taking place in RW 08 Jatinegara Village. This examination activity includes checking blood pressure, blood sugar levels, uric acid levels, and cholesterol levels, as well as providing free health consultations. It will also introduce posyandu service packages per category, to ensure that each target group will get services that suit their needs.

TRAKNUS strengthens its commitment in making Posyandu Harapan Cadres in RW 08 Jatinegara Village as the frontline in applying the knowledge gained, in order to provide better and more comprehensive health services to the community. It is hoped that through this outreach, the health level of residents around the TRAKNUS operational environment will be better. This is in line with TRAKNUS' efforts in creating a healthy and prosperous society through sustainable CSR programs. (HAA)

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