As a tangible manifestation of the sustainable synergy that is deeply rooted in AHEMCE, TRAKNUS Group was given the opportunity to receive a visit from Affiliated Company (Affco) Orientation Branch Manager & Site Manager Development Program (BSMDP) 2024 United Tractors (UT). This activity was organized in collaboration with UT's Corporate Human Capital & Corporate University (CHCU) together with TRAKNUS Human Capital Development (HCD). The event was held at the TRAKNUS Training Center, Rawa Sumur Jakarta, which was attended by 10 BSMDP 2024 participants accompanied by a team from UT's Corporate University (Corpu) on Wednesday, January 8, 2025.
This agenda is a strategic momentum that has a strong goal to foster understanding for prospective Branch Operation Head (BOH and Site Operation Head (SOH) to find out about the vision, mission, strategy, business processes & business organization of TRAKNUS and explore the depth of collaboration on Product Support in the Joint Working Project (JWP) with TRAKNUS.
In his opening remarks, HCSSEHSGA Division Head Iman Nurcahyo, expressed optimism about this collaboration. “This visit is a significant step in strengthening the synergy between UT and TRAKNUS, while preparing future leaders with a strong collaboration foundation,” he said.
The event was very interactive in two directions guided by Human Capital Development (HCD) Head Resti Anggraeni. “Open communication and based on knowledge sharing aims to broaden the participants' horizons to understand more comprehensively about the organizational structure and dynamics of fellow Affco including the coordination required,” she said.
Participants were very enthusiastic listening to the description of the company profile and TRAKNUS business line, seen by the BSMDP 2024 program participants taking turns to ask questions and discuss. The next series of sessions, Material Handling Business (MHB) Product Support Division Head Ferdinand Widjaja, gave an introduction and shared the story of the Joint Working Program (JWP) that he had initiated since June 2024. The program is not only a platform for collaboration, but also reflects innovation in creating efficiency and productivity in operational lines. “JWP is a clear example of how strategic collaboration can increase added value for all stakeholders,” he emphasized.
Material Handling Business Service Head Aditya Herning Purnomo, also enriched the discussion with a very comprehensive review of the TRAKNUS product line. In his explanation, he emphasized product diversification and strategies that support market expansion including studies to obtain business development opportunities that can be optimized through JWP cooperation.
“Thank you for the willingness and opportunity given by the management of TRAKNUS to share experiences and explore the business dynamics between companies. This discussion not only broadens mutual insights, but also strengthens the commitment to establish closer collaboration,” said UT Corporate University Head of Leadership Program Mursidi at the end of the session.
“Thank you for the willingness and opportunity given by the management of TRAKNUS to share experiences and explore the business dynamics between companies. This discussion not only broadens mutual insights, but also strengthens the commitment to establish closer collaboration,” said UT Corporate University Head of Leadership Program Mursidi at the end of the session.
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